May 23, 2009

a fairly uneventful day

so today I woke up at 11 something in the morning after dreams about computers with key boards made up of only the keys you never use. after i woke up there was some basic house cleaning, my uncle dan and aunt maggie got into town and my uncle dan started helping my step dad with the edition while my aunt maggie helped my mom organize her art stuff. then after i had holed myself up in my room with my computer. my friend andrew, who hadn't been informed that there would be no D&D this saturday, showed up and ended up staying until seven so we worked on his nightlife character, were gangpressed into washing dishes, and ran around outside in the rain like we were 5 years old. after he left my grand parents and my aunt sunnie came over for dinner after which my grandpa helped my uncle and stepdad finish wiring the edition. after dinner my evening was spent on the internet and that's pretty much it for today more later

May 21, 2009

biking day 2

so today(meaning the 20th for some reason it's taken me three days to write this) I woke up at about eight fifteen so I could go to an orthadontics appointment at 9, I got there and sat for what felt like years but in reality was about an hour and a half maybe less i'm not really sure, then I got to listen to a whole lot of orthodontics jargon that did't mean anything to me, finally I got home I then called Ivan and we met at Gullivers(we both biked) then after a couple hours at Gullivers and then hot licks ice cream Ivan had to head to football camp so we said goodbye and he left for west valley where they were holding the camp I ended up hanging around the general area for about an hour and then in an attempt to find a flatter way home (please remember I was on a bike and for me going uphill hill sucks(sorry mom)) so I started heading down the same road I would take to get to school when as I'm passing mikes Chevron I hear something clatter to the pavment thinking something might have fallen out of my pocket I stoped and discovered that one of the washers that holds on the front wheel had fallen off and since it couldn't have fallen off if the nut had been in place which unlike the washer I couldn't find, so wary to ride my bike with a half attached wheel I walked it to the nearest buildinng which turned out to be a radioshack and called the person who I knew would be able to get to me the fastest, which was my boyfriends mom because my boyfriends house is less than a mile from where I was, so Racheal came and picked me up and we wrestled my bike into the trunk/back of her car (i say this becuase she had to put down the seats in the back so we could fit my bike) then we went back to her house where we rumaged through Phil's(Phil is my boyfriend's dad as well as a techno wizard and Mr. fix-it) toolshed(more like garage but you get the idea) anyways Racheal and I had only a vague idea of what we were looking for so after tryig every nut we could find, all of which were to big or to small, we just called phil who once he got back took off the other washer and nut and told us to go down to the bike shop and pick up the piece we needed so after walkig down to the bike shop with Racheal and getting the new piece Phil fixed up my bike after which Racheal took me home where she eneded up talking with my mother for a couple hours after which they left toghether to go get coffee they then ended up at racheals house where they ended up talking until three in the morning (much to my younger sisters dismay as she was only able to keep herself awake until two waiting up for my mother) and that was my wednesday more later

May 19, 2009

last day of school blues?

okay so today was the last day of school which means we had 25 minute classes then a big BBQ for the whole school but instead of the expected "HOORAY FREEDOM" reaction, I just felt sorta down and tired I couldn't even eat my hot dog, Ivan was surprised that I wasn't hungry, but stopped being so concerned after I told him he could eat the hot dog, go figure. After that we didn't really see each other, I ended going on the homemade slip n' slide and getting completely soaked while he ended up wathching national treasure 2, then once the end of school function(I guess it was a party but somehow those two words just don't work in the same sentence)was over he met me over at the slip n' slide walked me to my locker and then to my bus neither of us being entirely certrtain how soon we would be able to spend time with each other, but of course this didn't change anything ( Ivan has a reputation to uphold even when it's the last day of school and the first day of football camp or whatever) so we simply said "see you round" no hugs or anything like that but that's how Ivan is ,very anti PDA, so it's not like it was any kind surprise (no offense Ivan), anyways I got home and since my sister was having her B-day party at Zip-Zaps laser tag I had the house all to myself (if he hadn't had football camp or whatever it is I probably would have ended up at Ivan's house) that was however kind of boring so after a qiuck call (ok a couple of calls)to my parents I took bike and road the 6 (well if you want get technical it was 5.9,David) miles to barnes and noble stopping along the way at sports authority to pick up a new bike chain. i then spent about 3 hours at barnes and noble in the comic section then mom and david came to pick me up which means we spent another 20 minutes at b&n I got a new book and we all left when we got home I didn't stick around very long and went for a walk in the woods near my house I had left at about nine ten and got back at about three minutes after ten and so today I avoided a good chunk of basic interaction with other people and failed to figure out why I was in such a weird mood if I had asked my mom she would have said it was just me missing Ivan which maybe true but I'm not sure it's the whole reason. who knows maybe I'll figure it out tommorow. that's all more later

May 12, 2009

Find A new Quirk Kirk

so it's been Four days since my last entry and in that space of time my old D&D character Gwendolyn( a.k.a Gwendy see Kvap's artist blog for more details) has returned from the dead via what appears to be divine intervention, meaning that she woke up in the room her embalmed body had been left in (Jonce!) after having reverse seizured back to life and the first thing she See's is an orc cleric of kord (her patron god) who says something in orc ( well technically it's in giant but either way she doesn't speak it so she she doesn't understand) hands her a torch and leaves her to find her own way out of the labyrinth (ahh! David Bowie) she succeeds in getting back to the seven pillared hall and she is pissed and ready to kill Jonce when she learns that not only are two of her friends dead but their mission is still unfulfilled, so killing Jonce has been put on the back burner until all 23 haflings are recovered ( for more info see Kvap's artist blog) and so she set out with two new additions to the party a happy go lucky bard who could bluff his way out of a black hole and a rouge so sneaky she could steal the pants off a ninja, they succeeded in getting back 21 of the halflings 2 had already been sold which means we have to go back into the labryinth (ahhhhrrrgg!!!) but that will smply have to wait until next saturday. on a different note I just went and saw the star trek movie and I am of two opinions one is my fan girl opinion or as it would be more commonly known "ohmigod ohmigod Spock is so hot and so is kirk ohmigod Spock is played by sylar ohmigod ohmigod" you get the idea and my nerdy trekkie opinion "great the way that was done.......ooohhh EXPLOSIONS!!!!" well you get the idea simply put it was a good movie and thus requires at least in my mind a sequel my only request for it if there has to be a cameo let it be Leonard Nimoy and not Wil....lia...m Sha...t..ner because you know what his dramatic pauses were annoying then there anoying now and besides Spock is way cooler than Kirk in the old series anyways. Cause I mean really if Kirk wasn't saying
" we come in peace, shoot to kill shoot to kill" he was with some alien chick it gets old people find a new quirk Kirk, at least they didn't overdo That particular aspect of Kirk in the new movie that and along with no "dramatic pauses" never once did i hear him utter the words " we come in peace, shoot to kill shoot to kill" so it was a good movie all in all thats all for now more later

May 9, 2009

a rose by any other name would still have thorns

it's 2:44 in the morning and i'm sitting next to rachael writing this new entry after her and my mom came across a palette on some website called roses and of course they both went off on the classic "a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet" my reply was "a rose by any other name would still have thorns". they both made fun of me but i thought it would be a great entry for my blog probably becuase it's 2 in the morning. anyways it struck me as funny more later maybe

May 8, 2009

Iridescent ultra marine paper cranes( or: how my boyfriends mom teaches me life skills)

it's friday and the official first day of my official first blog officialy, today in school i went through the day feeling very much like shadow ,from the book american gods by neil gaiman, feeling like a storm was about to break and just wishing it would get it over with already instead of drawing it out through out the whole day like a five year old in a doctors office enough said, then when i got home i got about 5 frackin seconds to unwind from a day that for no apparent reason had felt long and tedious, before i was swept up in the pre D&D cleaning frenzy, then thankfully before i completely lost my mind Rachel( a.k.a my bf's mom) came over sans Ivan and chatted with my mom and step-dad for a while( while they were distracted i took my first bike ride of the summer, which is usally my way of getting in a better headspace before i lose my mind at someone) then Rachel took me and my mom to the craft store to pick up stuff for paper cranes that she was going to use to promote her website (long story.... ok not really i just don't feel like going into to much detail right now ) When she found out that i could make paper cranes she commisioned me to do it for her, then we all went back to my house and i started to make paper cranes while Rachel and my parents wrestled with mis-packaged software eventually they figured out ( or gave up i'm not quite sure i sorta stopped paying attention after i started writing) and that kinda sums up my day more later