May 12, 2009

Find A new Quirk Kirk

so it's been Four days since my last entry and in that space of time my old D&D character Gwendolyn( a.k.a Gwendy see Kvap's artist blog for more details) has returned from the dead via what appears to be divine intervention, meaning that she woke up in the room her embalmed body had been left in (Jonce!) after having reverse seizured back to life and the first thing she See's is an orc cleric of kord (her patron god) who says something in orc ( well technically it's in giant but either way she doesn't speak it so she she doesn't understand) hands her a torch and leaves her to find her own way out of the labyrinth (ahh! David Bowie) she succeeds in getting back to the seven pillared hall and she is pissed and ready to kill Jonce when she learns that not only are two of her friends dead but their mission is still unfulfilled, so killing Jonce has been put on the back burner until all 23 haflings are recovered ( for more info see Kvap's artist blog) and so she set out with two new additions to the party a happy go lucky bard who could bluff his way out of a black hole and a rouge so sneaky she could steal the pants off a ninja, they succeeded in getting back 21 of the halflings 2 had already been sold which means we have to go back into the labryinth (ahhhhrrrgg!!!) but that will smply have to wait until next saturday. on a different note I just went and saw the star trek movie and I am of two opinions one is my fan girl opinion or as it would be more commonly known "ohmigod ohmigod Spock is so hot and so is kirk ohmigod Spock is played by sylar ohmigod ohmigod" you get the idea and my nerdy trekkie opinion "great the way that was done.......ooohhh EXPLOSIONS!!!!" well you get the idea simply put it was a good movie and thus requires at least in my mind a sequel my only request for it if there has to be a cameo let it be Leonard Nimoy and not Wil....lia...m Sha...t..ner because you know what his dramatic pauses were annoying then there anoying now and besides Spock is way cooler than Kirk in the old series anyways. Cause I mean really if Kirk wasn't saying
" we come in peace, shoot to kill shoot to kill" he was with some alien chick it gets old people find a new quirk Kirk, at least they didn't overdo That particular aspect of Kirk in the new movie that and along with no "dramatic pauses" never once did i hear him utter the words " we come in peace, shoot to kill shoot to kill" so it was a good movie all in all thats all for now more later


  1. Thats life Kirk but not as we know it

  2. Now that I know there will be a review to read after ...there are so many movies I want to see with you this summer. I come in peace -
